Latest News!

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this is an unfinished version of my movie poster

Coming 2008! - TEMAN - A Ross Ariffin Movie

I'm in the midst of writing the full screenplay before approaching the relevant people and finding my Director and Production Manager.

I have been nominated for "Best Song Of The Year" award
and I will find out for sure this coming 28th April at the Anugerah Industri Muzik Awards final night!
You can also find out more about this at BlueHyppo

Results at the 14th A.I.M : I didnt win. I lost to M.Nasir. Ah goes on. This only spurs me on to keep working hard and getting more of my songs out there!.


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Hopefully Amber_Mae will enjoy continued success and this may be the start of better things as far as shoots for adverts being shown overseas.This shoot was ( see a couple of photos from FRIM where the shoot was taking place on the 22nd & 23rd of March )for Johnson & Johnson to be shown in India.

Hopefully I will be within a month be displaying an embedded video of the finished advert for you all to view and enjoy. Believe me when I say that this was one tiring adventure!. Lets hope and pray that Amber_Mae will get more offers to be a star in more adverts for the International market!!.

If you are in need for a people-friendly, highly intelligent, well trained and disciplined dog with a big heart to grace your TV advert or Print ad then why dont you give us a call at the following handphone numbers:

Helena: 012 914 7868 Ross : 012 914 8224

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Amber_Mae Wins Top Prize Again!!

amber_mae clinches top prize as "most intelligent dog" and "miss k9" at's recently held carnival. amber_mae was also featured in the NST and Berita Harian. this is her second award at events. how many more can she win?. keep a lookout for her in the near future!

This album is powered by BubbleShare - Add to my blog congratulations to melissa and amber_mae and hearfelt thanks to Puppy.Com

amber_mae in the NST!
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amber_mae looks so proud!
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this photo speaks for itself!
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conspiracy theories galore. one of my favourite pastimes.

now I know from where Handel got his inspiration!!

PetyurPet Home Boarding

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more fotos of our dogs and others!
This album is powered by BubbleShare - Add to my blog
fotos of our Chloe!
This album is powered by BubbleShare - Add to my blog

Escort Services ( Canine Division )

Amber Escort.jpg
Faith Escort.jpg
Chloe Escort.jpg

CALL Toll Free: 011-8899-DOG-ESCORT-MY

Faith Newest.jpg

Thanks for dropping by Ross's blogpage.
Youre most welcome to drop by anytime. This blog updates regularly mind you.

New Vids Of Our Furbabies At Play!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Most Malaysians are such cowards!!

Recently we had one dog owner who wanted us to board his dog for one day. My wife and daughter have known him for sometime now. But I personally have never really taken to him. Theres something freaky about him. He speaks with what we call " marbles in the mouth" ie; pseudo-kinda-english. An english accent that is put-on. I should know. I was brought up speaking english as my mother tongue by my english born mum. At least I speak english the normal way!!

Then the same day in the evening after he had taken back his dog ( by the way my wife and daughter took three goddamn hours to clean his dog up of ticks galore!! ) my daughter found out from an online friend that his dog namely Arune was sick and had vomitted. Concerned my wife talked to this freak on her mobile. Its pretty obvious that this motherfucker ( chinese by the way!! )used this opportunity to accuse us of trying to mutilate and murder his filthy mutt.My wife tried in vain and in all honesty to defend herself. But to no avail as this motherfucker shouted and called my poor wife a "bitch" and accused her falsely in trying to kill and "mutilate" his filthy mutt. My poor wife couldnt get a word in!

The next morning he sent a nasty demanding sms to my wife's mobile.I decided to make my move. I was eagerly waiting for this shithead to try his luck one more time.

And I sent him no less than THREE messages from my mobile to his. And to my full expectation we have not heard from him since then.Ha ha ha!!

It always works when I do my part to fight back and give as good as it gets!!

My message to him if he reads this is....

" Fuck off you chinese mother-fucker and dont let us see you ever again!!"

Ohh by the way..Ive got a strong feeling that this motherfucker is GAY!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Malaysia a hub for illegal wildlife trade!

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KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Criminal gangs are using Malaysia as a hub for exporting millions of dollars worth of wildlife for the Chinese market, wildlife officials said Sunday.

Officials said trafficking of wildlife had hit alarming levels in Malaysia, which also plays the role of source and consumer.

Traders from Indonesia's Sumatra and Borneo island regularly smuggle the animals to middlemen in Malaysia, said Chris Shepherd of wildlife trade monitoring network Traffic.

"Criminal syndicates are mainly behind the trafficking. It is growing at an alarming rate," he told AFP.

"Unless tough measures are put in place to contain the illegal activity, it will have a serious impact on the wildlife, including animals in the Malaysian jungle, which are also being poached," Shepherd added.

Traffic is a joint programme of the WWF and the World Conservation Union.

Shepherd said among the most sought after creatures are fresh water turtles, tortoises, many species of snakes, pangolins, Sumatran rhino, tiger and sambar deer.

Shepherd said the Malaysian middlemen smuggle the animals to Thailand and then to China to be eaten, adding that meat from the sambar deer and sun bear is also consumed in Malaysia.

Six people have been arrested so far this year for attempting to smuggle snakes and pangolins into Thailand, said Pazil Abdul Patah, a wildlife official in the northeastern Kelantan state, which shares a porous border with Thailand.

"I estimate the annual value of the illegal trade to be worth millions of dollars," he told AFP, adding that "the public have to come forward to tip us off of the illegal activity."

"If the trafficking is not stopped, I fear our wildlife will become extinct," he warned.

Pangolins, or scaly anteaters, found in Asia and Africa, are considered a delicacy in China and are prized for their use in traditional medicine.